We appreciate you taking time out of your day to join your student here at The George Ranch. The following are suggestions to help make the day meaningful and memorable.
Structured Class Field Trips: Your group will be participating in a structured class designed to enrich learning and reinforce lessons taught in the classroom. Please follow the itinerary set for your group. The itinerary can be found on the map provided during check in. Some sites will be closed to allow students to participate in structured classes without interruption.
Hands on History Field Trips: Visiting schools will be divided into individual groups of no more than 30 students and adults to visit the sites and historic houses. This is the max occupancy for each tour, so please stay with your group throughout your visit. If your group is larger than 30, you may be asked to split the group and wait for the next tour.
A map with information about the sites and schedule will be provided to teachers during check-in and a staff member will give you a brief orientation upon arrival.
Questions and comments are great! Please raise your hand when you want to speak and listen quietly when others are talking.
Teachers and chaperones are responsible for helping to maintain discipline. Please set a good example for students to model.
Please, no texting or phone calls during presentations.
Water bottles are recommended to use throughout the day. Stay hydrated!
If possible, leave coolers and large bags on the bus until lunch.
Other groups will be visiting the same day as you. Please be considerate of other visitors when using picnic areas, tram transportation, and visiting the exhibit hall and gift shop.
Students must remain in chaperoned groups during the entire visit.
For everyone’s safety, please walk, don’t run.
If there is a first aid need or a lost child, notify any George Ranch staff person.
In the event of a severe weather warning, staff will advise our guests where to seek shelter.
Please respect the farm animals. Do not feed, poke, prod, pester, or harass them.
What to wear
The George Ranch is a mostly outdoor facility and operates in all kinds of weather, so dress accordingly. Coats, rain jackets and comfortable shoes may be important in making this the best field trip ever!
Remember sun protection – bring sunscreen and hats.