Open to the Public Saturdays 9:00am to 5:00pm
Our Girl Scout badge workshops have been carefully aligned to the “Journey” activities to create fun, hands-on programs that help scouts earn a badge. These 90-minute adventures include six badge steps from two badge activity sets and will help your girl scouts travel far along in their individual journeys.
Become a historic hiker and explore the hiking techniques people have used from the beginning to survive and thrive!
Using human senses was a matter of survival for early pioneers. Explore your inner pioneer and apply your senses in a frontier setting.
The Victorian era was all about the proper rules of etiquette. Come learn these old-fashioned rules which can still be applied today.
Where better to experience the Past than a living history park! Join us for an adventure in time as you experience life in different eras.
Decide who you are
Create a costume
Have some old-fashioned fun
Early Texians had to be good with their hands to build and create their households. Let us show you the classic tools and techniques which have stood the test of time.