The George Ranch will be closing early on Saturday, May 4 at 3:00 p.m. to prepare for our 200th Anniversary Rodeo.

Summer Volunteer Opportunity for Students

Monday, January 6, 2014

This summer, students ages 12 to 16 years old are invited to participate in a new volunteer program at the George Ranch Historical Park. The program is open to public, private and homeschool students who are interested in learning what it takes to make it in the old west.

“This summer volunteer program offers students an opportunity to live the Texas history they have read about in their textbooks,” said Susan Rezeppa, Educational Sales Coordinator. “It is an exciting chance for program participants to gain hands-on experience while enjoying a fun filled summer here at the Park.”

The program will begin in June and continue through Auguast, 2014, and participants will be required to complete 80 hours of volunteer service during this time. Hours can be completed in full or half-days. Students interested in joining the summer volunteer program are encouraged to apply early. Only 15 applicants will be chosen for the program.

Application deadline is March 29, 2014. Interviews will be conducted in April, and training days will be held in May. More information and a link to the application form are available online at Completed applications should be returned to Susan Rezeppa at or faxed in to (281) 343-9316
